all-posts — Blue Hill Consolidated School

Visual & Performing Arts

Explorations: May 12, 2022

Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter. Each week Mrs. Gandy and I put together this newsletter to keep our community informed about what's happening at BHCS. We hope you will take a few minutes to read it!

Explorations (Yearbook information inside! Orders due by May 14th.)


Explorations: May 27, 2021


Explorations: April 15, 2021

Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter along with some important attachments. 


Island Meadow Arts 

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week (we need your help!)

Peninsula Free Health Clinic Open Dates 

Farmer to Families 

Bobcat Backpack Program 


Explorations: February 11, 2021

Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter along with some important attachments. 


BHCS 8th Grade Roaring 20s Fundraiser 

Peninsula Free Health Clinic 

GSA Virtual Night Information 

Acadia Pediatric Group Therapy 

Bobcat Backpack Program 
