
Standing Committees


In an effort to maintain the positive climate of our school, we have adopted the philosophies and strategies of Positive Behavior Interventions & Support, or PBIS.

  • Charlie Daniels, Grade 4 Teacher

  • Nick Norton, PE Teacher

  • Nora Bradford, Grade 2 Teacher

  • Lindsay Letourneau, Grade 1 Teacher

  • Kyle Snow, Assistant Principal

  • Dan Ormsby, Principal

  • Megan Granger, School Counselor

  • Marissa Boucher, Special Education

  • Jess Conrad, Grade 5 Teacher

Technology Committee 

The Technology Committee serves as an advisory committee in regard to technology throughout the building. The team makes recommendations based on input from all parties regarding the purchase of subscriptions and hardware. The team also communicates with families on their rights and responsibilities when it comes to school-issued devices.

  • Katie Ceranic, SPED Teacher

  • Tracy Gandy, Librarian

  • Sean Stoddard, Grade 7/8 Math

  • Jessica Talbot, IT Manager

  • Wendy Wolf, Technology Integrator

  • Dan Ormsby, Principal

  • Kyle Snow, Assistant Principal

  • Kim Astbury, Grade 3 Teacher

Wellness Committee

The Wellness Committee serves as an advisory committee in regard to student wellness issues and is responsible for making recommendations related to the wellness policy. 

  • Ashley Curran, Ed Tech

  • Nick Norton, Physical Education

  • Dan Ormsby, Principal

  • April Chapman, School Nurse

  • Tim Cyr, Head Cook

Ad HoC Committees


Interview committees are formed while recruiting staff for vacant positions. Led by the principal, the committee includes members of the staff, school board, parents and/or community members. Committees are disbanded after the recommendation of the new hire is presented to the school board.

Playground Committee: 2019 - PrESENT

For the past two years, our Playground Committee has worked to plan and fundraise for a much needed safe, fun, and creative playground space for our nearly 275 students and the broader community.

Our Playground Committee is made up of teachers, parents, and professionals in our community and has come together to reimagine our outside spaces with the needs of our students and community in mind.

  • Victoria George, Grade 1 Teacher

  • Nick Norton, PE Teacher

  • Dan Ormsby, Principal

  • Caitlin Snyder, Grade 8 Teacher