Explorations: June 3, 2021
Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter along with some important attachments.
Remote Learners: Your end of year schedule is on page 2 of the Explorations.
Town of Blue Hill Rec Summer Soccer
Jared Grindle Sports Scholarship Application
Explorations: January 28, 2021
Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter.
Explorations: January 7, 2021
Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter.
Explorations: December 18, 2020
Good Afternoon BHCS Community,
BHCS has been bringing the holiday cheer these past few weeks! We have made decorations and treats for the Island Nursing Home, decorated doors, dressed up in festive sweaters and clothes, eaten a yummy turkey dinner and we even got to go sledding today! We hope that we have helped our students to feel the magic of the season even during these uneasy times.
On Tuesday of next week, all BHCS students will be sent home with iPads, chargers and materials for remote learning for the week of January 4-8. We will follow the Red Plan schedule for that week. Look for more information from your child's teacher(s). If you would like to pick up breakfasts and lunches during our remote week, please email Loretta Smith by Tuesday, 12/22 in the afternoon. In this week's newsletter, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Gallagher, Mrs. Gandy and I have shared important information regarding iPads that we ask you to be sure to read Explorations.
Please read about our Winter Sports Plan for 5th-8th grade students. Winter sports at BHCS will begin with in-person sessions on January 11th for students in Grades 5-8. To sign up, please go to https://forms.gle/kBiY6TLknJKSFkNi8 and complete the digital form.
If your student received any grades of "Incomplete" on their report card, work must be made up by Friday, January 15th for credit.
Have a very happy holiday break!
BHCS Update: 12/4/20
Good Evening BHCS Community,
Great job navigating the roller coaster of this week, everyone!
1.There are new mask guidelines from the Department of Education in place moving forward that I'd like families to be aware of. Mask breaks will now be limited to 5 minutes each, up to a maximum of 15 minutes per day and must be outside. During a mask break, students must be seated, 6-feet apart, and facing the same direction. All recess time is now masked (most of our students were doing this anyway). Students will be eating inside now that it is colder, and must maintain 6 feet of distance while also facing the same direction. Please review this video with your children to ensure safe and properly fitting masks: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NnrdqEzPoWgLB-jBpxH5bOUI9Dg6oQOb/view
2. We are looking forward to seeing students back in person, however, we hope that you will be especially mindful of our school community each day you send your child to us. One way that you can do this is to please take great care and consideration when filling out your child's green tickets. Also, before sending your child to BHCS on Monday, please consider the following and contact our awesome school nurse, April Chapman at achapman@bhcs.org if any of the following scenarios apply:
If your child has been ill with any COVID like symptoms while on break.
If you, or someone in your household is a close contact of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.
If your child has travelled outside of the state of Maine anytime within the last two weeks.
3. Be sure to return all materials to school on Monday. This includes bins or bags, iPads and iPad CHARGERS (blocks and cables).
4. If you plan to have your child switch to remote learning, please email me.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. We appreciate your support!
Explorations: December 3, 2020
Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter.