Explorations: November 19, 2020


Dear BHCS Families,

Today we sent home important folders with every BHCS in-person student. These folders contain information about changes that COULD happen in the event we need to change to our Yellow or Red Plans. 

First, at this time we are NOT changing to a Yellow or Red Plan. We are simply trying to be proactive to help you all prepare for the possible change. 

The folders contain:

  • Your child’s group for a possible Yellow Plan

  • A remote learning guide

  • Login tools

  • Expectations for students and families

  • Schedules of when your child would be expected to zoom for class in both the Yellow and Red Plan

  • A copy of our Technology agreement (please sign and return this)

  • Information from School Nurse, April Chapman on Contact Tracing and Quarantine

As a reminder, in a YELLOW Plan, students in grades 2-8 are assigned a group, either Group A or Group B. If your child is in Group A, they would be at school on Mondays and Tuesdays and learning from home on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. If your child is in Group B, they would be learning from home on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and in person on Thursdays and Fridays. On the days students are learning at home, they will still have times during the day that they need to login to class. These schedules vary at each grade level, so the specific schedule is included in the packet sent home as well. Students in PreK, Kindergarten and First Grade would be learning in the building five days a week during a YELLOW Plan. 

In the RED Plan, all students would be learning from home, remotely, all days. Our teachers have put together schedules for lesson time where they will be actively teaching students, so students would need to be on zoom for those times. 

Again, there is NO CHANGE at this time, this information is just to help you have a better understanding of what your child’s week would be like in the event of a change. 

Please reach out to you child’s teacher or myself with any further questions or concerns.

