BHCS Boosters

Explorations: April 15, 2021

Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter along with some important attachments. 


Island Meadow Arts 

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week (we need your help!)

Peninsula Free Health Clinic Open Dates 

Farmer to Families 

Bobcat Backpack Program 

Explorations: April 8, 2021

Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter along with some important attachments. 


Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week (we need your help!)

BHCS Spring Sports Plan 

Peninsula Free Health Care Clinic, April 2021 

Acadia Pediatric Group Therapy 

Bobcat Backpack Program 

Explorations: March 26, 2021

Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter along with some important attachments. 

*Information regarding School Pictures, our Book Fair and Bobcat Gear is on page 2 of the newsletter!


Blue Hill Heritage Trust- Peninsula Explorers 

BHCS Spring Sports Plan 

Early Childhood Community Campaign article for March on Temperament 

Peninsula Free Health - March & April Clinics 

Acadia Pediatric Group Therapy 

Bobcat Backpack Program