Explorations: May 20, 2021

Explorations: May 13, 2021

Explorations: May 6, 2021

Explorations: April 15, 2021

Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter along with some important attachments. 


Island Meadow Arts 

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week (we need your help!)

Peninsula Free Health Clinic Open Dates 

Farmer to Families 

Bobcat Backpack Program 

Explorations: April 8, 2021

Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter along with some important attachments. 


Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week (we need your help!)

BHCS Spring Sports Plan 

Peninsula Free Health Care Clinic, April 2021 

Acadia Pediatric Group Therapy 

Bobcat Backpack Program 

Explorations: April 1, 2021

Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter along with some important attachments. 

*Information regarding School Pictures and Bobcat Gear is on page 2 of the newsletter!


Blue Hill Heritage Trust- Peninsula Explorers 

BHCS Spring Sports Plan 

Peninsula Free Health Services April 2021- open dates 

Acadia Pediatric Group Therapy 

Bobcat Backpack Program 

Explorations: March 26, 2021

Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter along with some important attachments. 

*Information regarding School Pictures, our Book Fair and Bobcat Gear is on page 2 of the newsletter!


Blue Hill Heritage Trust- Peninsula Explorers 

BHCS Spring Sports Plan 

Early Childhood Community Campaign article for March on Temperament 

Peninsula Free Health - March & April Clinics 

Acadia Pediatric Group Therapy 

Bobcat Backpack Program 

Explorations: February 11, 2021

Here is the latest edition of the Explorations newsletter along with some important attachments. 


BHCS 8th Grade Roaring 20s Fundraiser 

Peninsula Free Health Clinic 

GSA Virtual Night Information 

Acadia Pediatric Group Therapy 

Bobcat Backpack Program 

BHCS Update: 1/1/21

Happy New Year, BHCS!

BHCS Website Relaunch

Check out our new website! I'd like to give a huge shoutout to Lisa Arhontes-Marshall at Beehive Development for making this happen in such a timely manner as well as Phelan Gallagher and Tracy Gandy for their hours of dedication to this project. I am really proud of what our team has put together. www.bhcs.org

Week of January 4th

As a reminder, we will be following our RED PLAN schedule for the week of January 4th. All students have their supplies including bins and iPads for learning that were sent home on 12/22. If you have any questions about the schedule for learning or materials needed, please let your child's teacher know via email. The last remote week we had in November was very successful and we had great attendance. We hope to have the same great attendance from our students this week. Thank you in advance to parents and guardians who make this great virtual attendance a priority!

Travel Guidelines:

The following travel guidelines have been adopted by our school board for the remainder of the school year: 

"Upon returning to Maine and before returning to in-person school, BHCS staff and students must choose one of the following:

a) Quarantine for 14 days before returning to in-person school


b) Quarantine for at least 5 days, then take an approved test. Remain in quarantine while awaiting test results. Certification of a negative COVID-19 test must be presented to the BHCS School Nurse before returning to in-person school."

Please reach out to our School Nurse, April Chapman (and your primary care provider) if you are traveling to a non-exempt state. During quarantine, students may learn remotely.

Remote Learning 

We continue to offer remote learning as an option for families who are concerned about sending students to school in person. Following our last break we had an additional 40-50 students opt in to remote learning (prior to that we had around 35), and are now at just under 60 students total. This leap in numbers was honestly very overwhelming to our staff and the numbers changed daily. As we re-enter school in person on January 11th, please do your best as a family to make a commitment to either in person or remote learning that will last until at least February break. If you are planning to change from in person to remote or from remote to in person learning, I need to be notified via email by Tuesday of this week (January 5th) to ensure that teachers are preparing remote learning materials for the correct students for the following week. Thank you very much for your help and understanding with this. 

Peninsula Free Health Clinic Information for January

Please see the attached information regarding clinic dates at the Peninsula Free Health Clinic for January. Free Clinic Dates 


Here's to a bright and healthy 2021!



BHCS Update: 12/31/20

Dear BHCS Families,

I hope that all of you have had a wonderful and restful holiday season. So far, we have 34 students in Grades 5-8 who have signed up for our winter sports program. If you are interested in signing up your child and have not already done so, you can do so at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKghXrGxZtmB7p5BkJUHXyx3GSsfLeAnoj5B-pI9gvWDhXsA/viewform?usp=sf_link.

As I mentioned last week, there will be a Zoom meeting for parents to go over the expectations for the winter sports season. That meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 5th at 5pm on Zoom. At this meeting, I will go over the COVID-19 protocols that are in place, as well as share other important pieces of information about the winter sports season with families. This meeting is important for parents to attend and is mandatory before students can participate in our winter sports program. The Zoom link to this meeting can be found in this email, and on both the school and athletic calendars located on the BHCS.org website. The BHCS website has recently undergone some major updates, and should be fully functional to the public shortly. Please take a moment to check out the newly updated website, when it is available. 

I will also be holding mandatory Zoom meetings just for those students who are participating in winter sports on Wednesday, January 6th at 4pm for basketball and on Thursday, January 7th at 3pm for cheering. At these meetings, I will go over the expectations for winter sports with the students, and will also go over with them the NFHS COVID-19 training that we have asked all of our coaches to complete prior to the start of the season. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page in regards to COVID-19 safety protocols. If you are interested in knowing more about the NFHS COVID-19 training, you can read more about it at https://nfhslearn.com/courses/covid-19-for-coaches-and-administrators

Visit the Athletics calendar for more details including Zoom info.

I know that I have shared quite a bit of information in this email, which I am sure will generate plenty of questions. If you have any questions, please let me know. I will be happy to answer them. I am excited to get the winter sports season started. I know that together, we can make this a safe and positive experience for the students of BHCS! Enjoy the rest of your break, and have a safe and happy start to 2021!

Thank you,

Derek Perkins

Winter Sports Plan - Google Docs.pdf